Name: Megan Harrison Lord
Current Occupation: Shop Owner, Southern Chic and Preservationist/Designer, Hunt & Gather Home, LLC
Hometown & Current Town: Alexandria, LA (with stops in Alabama, Savannah, Georgia, and New Orleans)
When/How did you realize you were a preservationist? I have loved old buildings since I was a child, so I think I’ve always been a preservationist at heart, but the realization that ALL people don’t naturally appreciate historic structures probably came in college and young adult-hood. As friends began choosing cities, neighborhoods, and homes to live in, many of which were suburbs and new construction, I understood that not everyone sees the value of historic materials, the quality of craftsmanship, and the character of established neighborhoods as resources to invest in and protect.
What’s your favorite building/place in Louisiana? Louisiana has so many wonderful buildings and beautiful places. I will always love Kent Plantation House in Alexandria because it is the place that introduced me to Louisiana architecture and native building materials, giving me an appreciation and understanding of the unique architectural heritage of our state.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy staying busy even in my spare time! That usually means I’m at home with my family working on house projects or gardening in our yard; attending my kids’ soccer games across the state; or seeking out vintage and antique treasures at an estate sale or flea market. Sometimes I manage to do all of those things in one weekend!
Why did you choose to get involved with the Louisiana Trust? Central Louisiana has many cultural and architectural resources that deserve greater local and statewide recognition. Being connected to a board of like-minded preservationists from across the state is such an advantage to sharing those resources and gaining a broader appreciation for each region of the state.
What have you learned from your experience on the LTHP? Preservation is a wonderful community connector, attracting people from a variety of different disciplines and backgrounds and giving them a common purpose to learn from and support. I have learned about areas of our state that I didn’t know existed, and I’ve met like-minded advocates for preserving our history. If I every get a question about a historic building or event that I can’t answer, I know that someone on the board can help me find it!
Why should others get involved with LTHP and the preservation movement in Louisiana? Our state’s architecture is the visual representation of our history. One way or another, Louisiana’s historic structures influence us all and they are deserving of protection and preservation. A membership with LTHP provides a way to support not only the physical preservation of Louisiana’s historic structures, but it also supports our friends and neighbors, the people and communities across our state who work to protect, save, and interpret these buildings so that remain standing for future generations. And who doesn’t love getting a behind-the-scenes tour old buildings?! The LTHP Rambles alone are well-worth an LTHP membership!