The National Trust for Historic Preservation added the West Bank of St. John the Baptist Parish to America’s 11-Most Endangered Historic Places List. This 11 linear-mile stretch of river is known as the Second German Coast, for the first European settlers here in the 1720s. Without their early efforts to provide food for the settlement of New Orleans, the city may not exist today.
For the past 300 years, this region has fostered a strong, interwoven culture of agriculture, families, and traditions. While communities up, down and across the Mississippi River were oversaturated with heavy industry, west St. John Parish has remained intact, until now.
A proposed grain terminal by Greenfield Louisiana LLC would be located immediately adjacent to the village of Wallace. At approximately 273′, this would be the same height as the Louisiana Superdome. Through a PILOT agreement with the Port of South Louisiana, Greenfield will avoid paying over $200 Million in ad valorem taxes over 30 years. The intrusion of any heavy industry or port facility will signal the end to this community and its historical and archaeological records. See some of the environmental and climate challenges the West Bank already faces.
A diverse group of advocates opposes construction of Greenfield Terminal. The West Bank is recognized as a local historic district by St. John Parish and as a LA Cultural District by the state, and the 11-mile linear stretch of river is currently being studied by the National Park Service.
Opponents of the Greenfield terminal are asking the US Army Corps of Engineers to deny the permit for the proposed development because of numerous potential impacts.
You can help by requesting that the US Army Corps of Engineers deny the permit application for the Greenfield Louisiana LLC terminal at Wallace, LA, because of the detrimental impact to our nation’s cultural heritage.
For more information, visit LTHP’s Press Release.
More information from the National Trust for Historic Preservation about the 2023 America’s 11-Most Endangered Places List.